How to change the internal name of an application template. This name is only visible internally.
⚠️ Important Note: Editing application templates should only be done by trained Admin users. Even small or accidental changes can cause issues with your digital application or loss of information. Basic Email template editing information is shared below. Best practice is not to touch the actual application template questions, rules, or functions unless you are a trained Admin user. Only basic functions are covered in this article. Reach out to for questions or requests.
To access the advanced menu, Click to Edit an existing Application Template. Then Click the Edit button at the top right corner of the template.
Option: How to Change the internal name of your application template. This name is only visible to you as a lender. Each application template should have a different name and reflect the financial product offered. For example, you may want to have an application template called "ABL" and one called "Factoring" or "Equipment Leasing". This name will also be shown internally under applications for each application received by an applicant who accesses this application.
*Decipher is not responsible for changes made by Admin users or accidentally by lender team members.