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Most Common Placeholders in Decipher
Most Common Placeholders in Decipher

Most Common Placeholders/Fields to Autofill documents and emails

Written by Max Powers
Updated over 4 years ago

A list of the most common placeholders used in Decipher and what each means.

Note: Some of these placeholders require a corresponding field in the digital application or a field provided for a Lender to fill out in Application Detail. For example, if Tax ID is not a field included in an application or provided for a lender to fill out, the placeholder Client_Tax ID will not be active to be used in Documents. Email for any specific questions. 

Applicant Placeholders - key placeholders pertaining to you applicant.

||Client_Company|| - The name of the company.

||Client_Full_Address|| - The business address. If the address needs to be split up in a document use the following placeholders individually:

||Client_Address|| ||Client_City|| ||Client_State_Province|| ||Client_Postal_code||

||Client_Phone|| - Business phone number.

||Client_Primary_Contact_Fname|| - First Name of the Primary Contact at the company Applying. Pertains to main business owner applying for a finance facility. You can also pick Lname (Last name). For example you may want to pick only the first name is writing an email that says "Dear John".

||Client_Primary_Contact_FullName|| - Full name of the primary contact.

||Client_Primary_Contact_address|| - Home address of the primary contact.

Functions - key placeholders providing access to an application as well as showing important information about an application.

%application_link% - The unique link to an application. Populates the unique link (URL) to provide to an applicant so that they can access their application at any time.

%application_link_text% - The actual text of the URL link which can be copied and pasted into a browser to access their application in case the link does not work for them.

%application_date% - The date the application was started.

%list_of_incomplete_required_items% - Populates a list of the required questions the applicant has not completed.

%list_of_incomplete_upload_field% - Populates a list of the required documents the applicant has not uploaded.

Lender Placeholders - key placeholders for Decipher users.

||User_First_Name|| - the first name of the user logged into Decipher.

||User_Last_Name|| - the last name of the user logged into Decipher.

||User_Full_Name|| - the full name of the user logged into Decipher.

||User_Company|| - the name of your company as listed in the Account Settings main contact.

||User_Email|| - the email of the user logged into Decipher.

||User_Address|| - your company address as listed in the Account Settings main contact information.

||User_Phone|| - the phone number of the Decipher company as listed in the Account Settings main contact.

Signature Placeholders - placeholders to be used in Emails to send for signature and in documents being sent for signature to applicants as well as documents that also require a Lender signature. For multi signature documents, please contact support to help add those placeholders for you since this is more complex.

%unsigned_documents_list% - Populates a unique link to a Document Template which is required for an applicant to sign. To be used in an Email only.

%unsigned_documents_list% - Populates a unique link to a Document Template which is required for a Lender to sign after an applicant has signed and only for documents that require both an applicant AND lender signature. To be used in an Email only.

||signature|| - Populates the Primary Contact signature to be inserted into a document.

||signer_date|| - Populates a text box labeled "Date" for the person signing to fill in the date.

||initials|| - Populates the Primary Contact initials to be inserted into a document.

||full_name|| - Populates a text box labeled "Full Name" for the person signing to fill in their name.

||user_signature|| - Populates the Lender signature to be inserted into a document.

Common Placeholders used in Document Templates

||Client_Full_Address|| - Populates full address of business applying.

||Client_DBA|| - Populates DBA name is any is found in the application.

||Client_company_plus_dba|| - Populates the company name plus the DBA name when one is found in the application.

||Client_Formation_State|| - Populates the State of Formation of the company, as indicated in the application.

||Client_TaxID|| - Populates the Federal Tax ID indicated on the application.

||Client_Company_Type|| - Populates the type of company (LLC, Corporation, etc) as indicated in the application.

||Client_MC_Number|| - Populates the Motor Carrier Number of an applicant as indicated in the application.

||Client_Dot_Number|| - Populates the Department of Transportation number of an applicant as indicated in the application.

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