Problem: You clicked the Evaluate button but you get the message no "No Report Found".ย
Why is this Happening? While errors happen from time to time, in most cases one of our credit bureaus did not successfully find the report. There are several reasons why a report may not be found. It could be that key information is missing from an application in order to generate that report, it could be that no report exists for that company or business owner or the data bureau could be experiencing interruption in service.ย
In the majority of cases, key information is missing/incorrect from the application to generate a report. Follow the steps below to see if this could be the case.ย
Business Credit Reports
๐ Check the company information and ensure that the company name and address is complete. If address is missing or company name is not correct that is likely the issue with a business report not generating. If you find missing or incorrect information, fill in or correct it and Save it. Then Refresh your browser. Finally, click Evaluate again. If company information looks correct, contact support to investigate further.
Business Owner Credit Reports
๐ Check the business owner information and ensure names are filled in and that Social Security Numbers have been provided. A missing social security number is usually the main reason why a business owner credit report was unsuccessful. If you find missing or incorrect information, fill in or correct it and Save it. Then Refresh your browser. Click Evaluate again. If the information looks correct, contact support to investigate further.ย Other tips: Check all the fields and ensure there are no errors, accidentally filling in a zip code for the State or other fields that may be reversed by accident. Ensure the SSN has 9 digits and no extra digits have been accidentally typed in.
"Locked at consumer request" -The credit report is returned but looks blank and a message appears at the top stating that the report is locked. In this scenario, the business owner has requested that their credit report not be released. More Information.
Background Reports
People Search / Criminal Search / Bankruptcy / Judgements & Liens Reports
If the business owner credit report was returned successfully, then there may be information that a credit bureau cannot locate for that individual. If the message returned is "no report available" then the data provider was unable to locate the report based on the owner information provided and its own records. If you see an "Error" message or no report is available, please contact support to investigate. Reasons why the reports are not found can vary, but SSN is recommended for best results. Use this checklist to assist:
Check to see if SSN is missing. Add it when possible.
Check the names listed for the individuals. Remove any extra names in the last name, especially for individuals that show two names or hyphenated names.
Check to ensure the address does not include any Suite Numbers or Apartment Numbers.
Contact our chat support team to help troubleshoot when needed.