This Q&A is for clients with the Business Relationships tab enabled in their account. See common questions relating to external users who you want to give access to Decipher so they can collaborate with you or who you want to associate with deals. These individuals are not part of your internal team.
I gave an individual access to Decipher via Business Relationships but did not invite them. How do I invite them?
Navigate to Business Relationships and click to Edit the individual. Click on Send Invitation and this will trigger a system-generated email invitation.
I added a Partner but when they try to log in they get a message saying their username is not recognized. How do I fix the issue? Most likely, when the partner was added, user access was not granted. Adding a partner does not give them access to Decipher unless you grant them access. Navigate to the Partner and set User Access to "YES" and determine the type of role they should have.
Where can I view who was granted access to a particular deal?
Directly in an application, click on the Gear icon in the Upper right part of the Application Detail Menu and that will bring up the individuals who have been granted access to that deal.
I gave an individual access to a deal directly from an Application but did not invite them and now want to. How do I invite them?
1) Go to the Business Relationships tab and follow the steps above or 2) Directly in the Application, click on the Gear Icon and it will bring up the individual and under Actions there is an Arrow Button to send out the invitation.
How do I Revoke Access to a deal?
Directly in the application, click on the Gear Icon and it will bring up the individual. Under Actions next to the individual's name, click on the Granted button to revoke access. The Granted Button will turn Red and show Revoked.
How do I deactivate a Partner who I gave access to Decipher?
Navigate to the Business Relationships tab and click to edit the user. Switch the User Access button to NO. This will deactivate the user and they will no longer be able to log into Decipher. If you want to double check, go to Account Settings and click on the user and they should show as "inactive".
Can I customize the invitation email external individuals receive when I add them as Partners in the Business Relationship tab and click the Send Invitation button?
βNo. This invitation is a system-generated email from Decipher that goes out automatically. It states, "username" has invited "partner name" to collaborate in Decipher and gives instructions on how to sign in for the first time and set their password. Are there any options to customize my message? Yes. You can choose not to invite them when they are set up as partners and invite them later directly from an application. Follow the steps below.
Can I customize the invitation email external individuals will receive when I share a deal directly from an application?
βYes. Go to Email Templates and create a new email or find the email entitled "You are invited to view an application" which has been added to your templates and edit the information as desired. Login information is included in the email. Ensure that in your Account Settings, this email template has been selected to activate the auto email. If you need assistance, contact our support team.
What will my partners see when they log into Decipher?
Before granting external users access to Decipher, ensure that the role you set for them has the correct permissions. Generally, the default for external users is that they are only able to see applications they are granted access to and assigned to. If you have questions, please reach out to our support team.