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Change units of measurement
Change units of measurement

Select the unit that you want to use for a transfer and learn about units for your contracts

Christianne Elefante avatar
Written by Christianne Elefante
Updated over a week ago

Farm At Hand has an extensive list of units of measurement that you can choose for each record.

You can change the unit of measurement used for a record by clicking into the record details and then selecting a unit from the drop-down list:

Here are some things to keep in mind when selecting a unit:

  • changing the unit for a record will not automatically convert the volume

  • when transferring to a contract, the unit will be locked to the same unit as the contract

  • a contract's unit depends on the commodity, but we are working on unlocking it to allow you to change the unit to what you need it to be.

Do you have any questions? Let us know at and we'll be happy to help you out!

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