Select metrics to evaluate in your study
Metrics in Delve are aspects of urban planning that you care about in your project.
Pick 1 to 6 metrics and order them based on what's most important for you. Your selection and order determines how design options will be ranked in this study. Options with high scores on your key metrics will rank better.
Don’t worry about missing out — each design option will still be evaluated for all metrics and you will be able to view results for each.
Financial Metrics:
If you select a financial metric, you'll need to upload your financial assumptions in the Financials step.
Net Profit: The net profit is the difference between the estimated development cost and capital value for the design. A higher net profit suggests improved design performance (learn more).
Capital Value: The capital value is calculated based on estimated revenue or/and sales price that can be generated from the quantities of specific buildings, parking and other elements in the project site. Takeoffs are calculated automatically by Delve, and can be further separated based on building height or floor plate efficiency. A higher capital value suggests design with higher quality or/and higher efficiency (learn more).
Construction Cost: The total construction (hard) cost is calculated based on estimated rates and quantities for specific buildings, open space, streetscape and other elements in the project site. Takeoffs are calculated automatically by Delve, and can be further separated based on building height or floor plate efficiency. A lower cost suggests design with reduced density and/or a more efficient physical layout (learn more).
Profit on Cost: Profit on Cost is a percentage value represented as a percentage of the development cost. A higher profit on cost suggests improved design performance. It is beneficial to look at profit on cost to compare across projects or co-relate with past projects (learn more).
Development Yield: Development Yield is the percentage of Net Operating Income as a fraction of the Total Development Cost. It acts as an indicator of the possible income value while accounting for the cost of developing the project (learn more).
Quality of Life Metrics:
Sun Hours: The averaged hours of direct sunlight per day on the ground, over the course of one year. Delve samples the ground every 5m and the average result is aggregated for both individual open space and across the site (learn more).
Sky Access: The averaged hours of shadows per day on the ground, over the course of one year. Delve samples every 5m, the average result is aggregated for both individual open spaces and across the site (learn more).
Daylight Access: The amount of unobstructed daylight received on all building facades (in percent), using the Vertical Sky Component (VSC) method [link]. 54% or more unobstructed daylight brings an adequate amount of natural light into an interior space for sufficient brightness and comfort. 20% or less would not provide sufficient natural light into the interior space (learn more).
Solar Yield: The average amount of solar radiation received from direct and diffuse sunlight, measured in kilowatt hours per square meters. The solar radiation output does not account for coverage ratios and efficiency, these are calculated in the utility demand model’s calculated renewable energy generation potential for photovoltaics (learn more).
Walkability: Walkability is a cumulative score measuring how walkable amenities are from the buildings. It is an indicator of the proximity of different kinds of amenities accessible from each building, within the chosen walking distance (2-5 minutes or 100m -400m) (learn more).
Commute Happiness: The percentage of estimated pedestrian and bike trips passing within 3 meters of parks and other green spaces. A higher percentage means the distribution of land use incentivizes travel along or across green spaces (learn more).
Views – Parks: The percentage of building facades that will have access to parks (learn more).
Views – Water: The percentage of building facades that will have view access to water (learn more).
Views – Existing Parks: The percentage of building facades that will have view access to existing parks (learn more).
Views – Custom Location [Customizable]: The percentage of building facades that will have view access to the specified location(s), sampled every 10m along the facade of each floor. Higher scores mean more buildings have a view of the specified location(s) (learn more).
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