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Capital Value

Understanding key metrics in Delve

Updated over 2 years ago

Capital Value

The capital value is calculated based on estimated revenue or/and sales price that can be generated from the quantities of specific buildings, parking and other elements in the project site. Takeoffs are calculated automatically by Delve, and can be further separated based on building height or floor plate efficiency. A higher capital value suggests design with higher quality or/and higher efficiency.

How is Capital Value Calculated?

Total NOI is the sum of NOI from all the different UseTypes in the project.

NOI for a UseType = (Net Annual Rent x NSF x Occupancy Rate) - (Operating Expense x NSF)

NSF = Net Square Footage or the Net Square Meters

Capital Value = (Net Operating Income / Cap Rate) for rental properties + (Sale Price x NSF) for properties for sale

Delve also calculates a weighted capital value which is an increased value applied with factors associated with performance metrics collected from the users.


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