Add zoning requirements (optional step)
Delve provides you with the option to add the following zoning constraints restrict the size and shape of buildings in each parcel on your site:
Max Height: Max height will limit the height of buildings in this parcel.
Max Floor Area Ratio (FAR): The maximum allowed Floor Area Ratio for each block in the parcel. This limits the total Gross Floor Area.
Max Building Coverage Ratio (BCR): The maximum allowed Building Coverage Ratio for each block in this parcel, defined as the percentage of the block’s land area that is covered by buildings.
Min Open Space Ratio (OSR): The minimum required Open Space Ratio for each block in this parcel, defined as the percentage of the block’s land area that is preserved as open space.
You can also give a name to each parcel in the Parcels pane on the right.
Note that you will not be able to edit your parcel boundaries and zoning constraints after you have finished setting up your Site, so make sure the information you’ve provided is as accurate as possible.
When you are done drawing parcels for your site and adding any zoning constraints, click Finish Drawing.