The following inputs are available for configuration and modifications for self-service users when setting up a new project and study within Delve:
Imperial vs. Metric
Users have the following three options to define parcels for their project:
Select Tax Lots (U.S.)
Draw Site Polygon (U.S. and Globally)
Upload GeoJSON (U.S. and Globally)
The following inputs allow users to specify optional zoning constraints for parcels in their project. Note that by default, we assume no constraints.
Max Building Coverage Ratio (BCR)
Max Floor Area Ratio (FAR)
Max Height
Min Open Space Ratio (OSR)
Front Yard Setback
Side Yard Setback
Rear Yard Setback
Use Types
Basic Inputs
Use Types (e.g. “Residential”, “Office”, etc.)
Primary Use Types have a specified FAR / GFA
Secondary Use Types whose FAR / GFA is inferred from selected building types
Users can specify Use Type names (e.g. “Rental” or “Condo”) instead of defaults (e.g. “Residential”).
Advanced Settings
Default values are provided per Use Type but can be updated by the user:
Loss Factor
Floor Height
Unit Mix (Residential only)
Users can define the amount of each Use Type
The default is 2.0 FAR site-wide
Amounts can be specified as a single Target or Min/Max Range
Amounts can be FAR or GFA
Amounts can be a site-wide target, with or without individual use type %s, or specific targets per parcel
Green Space Target Range
The default is 0-10%
Target can be % or gross (acreage, square meters)
Target can be site-wide or per parcel
Parking Strategies
Build Surface Parking On/Off (default is On)
Build Basement Parking On/Off (default is Off)
Parking Ratios
Default is 0
# of spots / 1,000sf (or by unit for Residential
Parking Spot Area
The default is 322.92 sf
Building Types
Basic Inputs
Default is suggested buildings based on Use Type FAR, and preset configurations
The following attributes can be edited for any building within the library:
Max Height
Min/Max Footprint
Floor packages (a block of X floors for each Use Type)
Floor packages with setbacks
Advanced Settings
Default values are provided per building
Lease Depth
Corridor Width
Metrics [Only if present if HBU Study is Selected]
Users can select key performance metrics like Sun Hours, Sky Access, etc. Carbon Emissions will always be measured by default.
Financials [Only if present if HBU Study is Selected]
If users specify financial metrics (e.g. Profit on Cost), they have the opportunity to download and customize a spreadsheet detailing Delve’s financial model.
The following outputs are available for download and review for self-service users once a study has been completed:
Delve web app
Delve provides a web-hosted interface for reviewing, commenting, and sharing on Delve generation. This interface makes it easy to review and highlight quantitative Delve findings within a produced study. Additionally, the explorer provides opportunities for further design generation and modification of existing results.
Delve reports (PDF)
Delve reports provide a quick and easy method for exporting critical details and images related to saved designs. Users can select saved designs for addition to new reports. Within the report interface, additional controls allow for the modification of the exported content.
Data tables (CSV and Excel)
The quantitative Delve findings and the inputs used to generate the associated model can be downloaded for use in external workflows. This download is formatted as an Excel file, but can easily be converted to CSV or other common formats.
Rhino files (3D)
A 3D export for Delve models is supported via Rhino and the .3dm file type. These models can be converted to additional 3D file types using common external workflows and contain the following information:
Outlines (vector-based curves)
Existing Buildings
New Buildings
Layers for each selected use-types
Delve Generated
Objects (vector-based surfaces)
New Buildings
Layers for each selected use-types
Autocad (DXF)
A 2D export for Delve models is supported via the DXF file type. These models can be converted to additional 3D file types using common external workflows and contain the following information:
Outlines (Polyline based)
Existing Buildings
New Buildings
Layers for each selected use-types
Images (PNG)
Delve exports images of the generated design in a Zip Archive. This zip contains multiple images, including views that include select layer information (such as daylight, views, and walkability). The images will include both perspective and orthographic projections, producing images that can be used as underlays or raw materials for artistic renderings showing the space's potential.