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Input Validation

Delve provides several guardrails to check user inputs and help ensure we can generate valid designs.

Updated over a year ago

Zoning Inputs

Max Building Coverage Ratio (BCR)

A given parcel’s max building coverage ratio (BCR) must be above 25% and below 100%

Max Floor Area Ratio (FAR)

A given parcel’s max floor area ratio (FAR) must be above 0.5 and below 20

Max Height

A given parcel’s max height must be above 10 ft and below 1500 ft

Min Open Space Ratio (OSR)

A given parcel’s min open space ratio (OSR) must be above 0% and below 70%

Front Yard Setback

A given parcel’s front yard setback must be above 0 ft and below 20 ft

Side Yard Setback

A given parcel’s side yard setback must be above 0 ft and below 20 ft

Rear Yard Setback

A given parcel’s rear yard setback must be above 0 ft and below 20 ft

Use Types - Advanced Settings

In the “advanced use type settings & unit mix” section, we validate the minimum area of a 1-bedroom apartment to be between 100 sq ft and 3,000 sq ft.


Here we validate the parking space area to be between 50 sq ft and 750 sq ft.

Building Types

Building Selection

Each of Delve’s building types has a minimum footprint - this is the smallest possible version of this building. For example, a High-Rise Multifamily on Podium needs to be at least 1,200 sqm so that it has enough usable room for parking and retail on the ground floor.

If all of a project’s parcels are too small, or overly constrained by zoning like setbacks or minimum open space ratio is too large,certain building types will not fit on that parcel. In this case, Delve will surface a yellow exclamation mark next to the building type, so that the user gets a chance to either select a smaller building, or relax the zoning constraints.

Building Details - Min/max footprint

In Delve, each building type can change its footprint size range to create smaller or larger buildings. To ensure buildings are flexible enough to be generated, the max footprint value needs to be at least 2.5 times the set minimum footprint value.

Building Details - Building Height

Any building type’s max height cannot exceed 1,500 ft. If there is an overall max height requirement, each building type must comply. If not, the user could decrease the number of floors or the floor to floor height.

Building Details - Use type

If the selected building type contains a use type that wasn’t being specified, Delve surfaces a warning. The user can either include said use type or remove the floor with that use type.

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