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See examples of papers that cite use of Delve software

See a list of dissertations that cite the use of Delve software in their papers

LaiYee H avatar
Written by LaiYee H
Updated over a week ago

Delve software has been cited in numerous dissertations and research papers.

Here is a list of research papers that mention the use of Delve software. If you want some inspiration for how to write about your use of Delve in your paper, please refer to these examples.

  1. A Grounded Theory Study on E-Leadership in the U.S. Army

    1. APA citation: Baker, S. A. (2023). A grounded theory study on e-leadership in the U.S. Army (Order No. 30525722) [Doctoral dissertation, Colorado Technical University]. ProQuest Dissertations Publishing.

    2. Quote: “I purchased and utilized a relatively new computer-assisted qualitative data analysis (CAQDA) software product from Delve to assist with the massive amount of collected data. Delve saved me valuable time and assisted in my ability to evaluate the Zoom audio and visual data files by transcribing the audio files and allowing me to add notes regarding the nonverbal data attained from the visual files. This analysis then continued with thematic identifications and verifications through systematic reviews to ensure the trustworthiness of the data.” (p. 7)

  2. The Influence of Homeland Culture on First-Generation Immigrants Caring for Children with Autism

    1. APA citation: Duggins, P. F. (2022). The influence of homeland culture on first-generation immigrants caring for children with autism. (Order No. 30631564) [Doctoral dissertation, Lesley University]. ProQuest Dissertations Publishing.

    2. Quote: “The DELVE software scrutinized the field notes, interviews, and other data documents line by line and broke the data down into smaller manageable “chunks,” fragments or patterns of narrative data to permit the data to be divided, inspected, and grouped (Christensen, 2017, p. 84). In seeking to allow the codes to emerge from the participants’ words, the DELVE program was not loaded with prescribed codes.” (p. 103)

  3. Exploring Physician Assistant Students' Perceptions of Stress and Help Seeking Behavior

    1. APA citation: Cetrone, K. (2023). Exploring Physician Assistant students' perceptions of stress and help seeking behavior. (Order No. 30486083) [Doctoral dissertation, Lesley University]. ProQuest Dissertations Publishing.

    2. Quote: “Transcriptions of each focus group were reviewed and organized into categories using Delve ( software to facilitate identifying common themes. Codes were to be identified by examining common phrases and sentiments across the written survey responses and the focus group questions following Saldana's premise. Once the codes were first determined, the second coding cycle would follow to streamline the codes further and help identify common threads and emerging themes in the data analysis process. Once the codes were streamlined, various themes for each guiding research question were identified. Creswell and Poth (2017) defined themes or categories as "broad units of information that consist of several codes aggregated to form a common idea" (p. 328). After identifying themes, the researcher planned to translate those themes into findings for each of the guiding research questions.” (p. 97)

  4. "Perceived Problems and Advantages Associated with Teaching Band in Rural Northern New York"

    1. APA citation: Ianaconi, III, J. C. (2023). Perceived problems and advantages associated with teaching band in rural northern New York. [Doctoral dissertation, Liberty University]. Scholars Crossing: The institutional repository of Liberty University.

    2. Quote: “The researcher used the DelveTool to organize and identify codes during this analysis. Transcripts were classified into individual segments using the DelveTool website. The researcher identified 480 unique segments from participant interviews and survey responses. Selected segments highlighted a theme or idea related to the study's research questions.” (p. 84)

  5. Parent Perspectives for Elementary Instrumental Music Participation

    1. APA citation: McGowan, S. W. (2024). Parent perspectives for elementary instrumental music participation. [Doctoral dissertation, Liberty University]. Scholars Crossing: The institutional repository of Liberty University.

    2. Quote: “The Delve Tool was accessed to create a qualitative codebook. Oliveira stated, “Codebooks are a well-established tool for improving the consistency of coding in qualitative research projects.” After the initial codebook creation, the researcher further refined themes, which required making, as one researcher defined it, “multiple decisions on deleting, merging, relabelling, and expanding codes to fine-tune their contribution to the analysis of the data.” (p. 76)

Additinoally, Delve has been cited in Research Methods in Learning Design and Technology by Enilda Romero-Hall.

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