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Further rounds of coding

Do further coding on quotes that you have already coded

LaiYee H avatar
Written by LaiYee H
Updated over a week ago

When analyzing qualitative data, it's not uncommon to encounter the need for further rounds of coding. This process involves diving deeper into your themes and codes, aiming to discover more nuanced details about a particular subject. Watch our video to see how to do further rounds of coding on quotes you have already coded, or read the text below.

This article outlines how to conduct further rounds of coding in Delve.

Step 1: Viewing Code List

Begin by examining your code list. For instance, you might be curious to explore the theme of "interruptions" in greater depth. By focusing on this theme, you can start your further rounds of coding.

Step 2: Accessing Snippets

Click on 'snippets' on the left-hand side of your screen. This screen displays all the quotes you've coded across the project. You can then proceed to continue coding using the code panel on the right.

Step 3: Applying Filters

By clicking on 'codes,' on the top you can apply filters to your snippets. For instance, if you're interested in the "interruptions" theme, you can filter your snippets to only display quotes coded with 'interruptions'.

Step 4: Reviewing and Adding Codes

With your snippets filtered, you will now only see snippets where that filter applies. You can now read through the snippets, and do further rounds of coding. One strategy is to, break up your code into multiple subcodes. For instance, while exploring "interruptions," you could create new codes that elaborate on the types of interruptions experienced by individuals.

Step 6: Creating and Grouping New Codes

To create a new code, simply type the name in the "Add or Search Codes" field in the upper right. You can then drag and drop it under the main code. For example, if a participant mentioned a push notification as an interruption, you can create a new code named 'push notifications' and group it under 'interruptions'.

Continue this process for each snippet, creating and grouping new codes that offer deeper insights into the original theme. As you progress, you'll start to see more nuanced codes that provide depth and specificity to your analysis.

By performing further rounds of coding, you can generate a comprehensive and nuanced understanding of your qualitative data. This process is versatile and can be applied to any theme within your dataset.

Delve's tools make this process straightforward and effective, ensuring you can uncover the intricate details within your data and achieve a more robust analysis.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How to add more codes to an existing snippet?

A: You can add more codes to existing snippets from both the 'Snippets' tab and the original 'Transcript' page in Delve. Just select the desired snippet by clicking on it, select the code from the code list on the right.

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