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Why are my Design Boards showing as Draft
Cole Mackin avatar
Written by Cole Mackin
Updated over 4 years ago

There are several possible scenarios why your design boards show a Draft status. When this happens, these boards will be hidden from the client.

The most common scenario is when you have a few submitted design boards and you created new ones. Then you Re-submit the board to the client and turned the Toggle on for the new designs but left the Old designs’ Toggle turned off.

It is important to note that you need to keep any previously submitted designs’ Toggle icon turned on to keep it visible to the client and ensure they don’t return to [Draft].

To ensure that these designs remain visible to your client, follow these steps:

 1. Go to Projects and open the selected project's DESIGN BOARDS tab.

 2. Click the Submit to Client button to open the Re-submit Designs to Client window.

 3. Ensure that all information is accurate and updated.
 4. Turn On ALL design boards that you want your client to see.

  • Note: designs that are Toggled off will be hidden from the client and will show as [Draft].

 5. Click the Submit Design(s) to Client button to submit the updated designs to the client.

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