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How to Record a Refund

You can now record a refund for your client directly in DesignFiles to maintain your records.

Shanna JM avatar
Written by Shanna JM
Updated over 3 years ago

If you have already been paid for an invoice by your client and need to record a refund due to an item being returned, out of stock, etc. You can now do this from within the invoice menu.

Step 1. Locate the Invoice that you will be performing the refund for.

Step 2. Extend the Invoice menu (three dots to the right) and select Record a Refund

Step 3. A separate refund invoice will automatically be generated. It will showcase all the same items that are on the original invoice with checkboxes in front each item. Select the items that you wish to record the refund for. If you select the uppermost check box, it will select all items, otherwise, select only the items you will be recording.

Step 4. At the bottom of the invoice, you will notice the full amount that is available for refund and as you select items, they will accumulate within the refund total like this.

Step 5. Once you have selected all the items for refund, go ahead and save the draft, or save and preview, or you can also send it directly to your client for reference.

Please note: Recording a refund does not send a payment to your client. You will need to manually issue the refunded amount using your preferred payment method. If your client paid for the original invoice through Stripe, you can issue the refund directly from this link.

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