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eBooks, eBook Formats and Flipbooks
eBooks, eBook Formats and Flipbooks

In this article you are going to learn the differences between the different eBook formats, and when to use what.

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Written by Enrique
Updated over a week ago

Understanding Different Types of eBooks: PDF, ePUB, Live eBooks and Flipbooks

Electronic books, commonly known as eBooks, have revolutionized the reading experience by offering unparalleled convenience and mobility. These digital versions of print books come in various formats, such as PDF, ePUB, and flipbooks, each with its unique features and benefits.

But when does one use what format? This article aims to shed some light on these types of eBooks, their advantages, and when to utilize them.

1. PDF eBooks

PDF stands for Portable Document Format, developed by Adobe Systems in the 1990s. The main strength of a PDF eBook is its ability to preserve the original formatting and layout your project, regardless of the device, operating system, or software used to open it.

Fonts, font colors and sizes, wrapped around text images, pages with headers, footers, page numbers, background images, back cover pages, table of contents, call to action, etc. all that and more can be part of your PDF layout

PDF eBooks are easily readable on most devices, including computers, tablets, and smartphones. Plus, most web browsers have built-in PDF readers, making it very accessible for most people.

For most users this is the best ebook format as is easy to download and share and can be printed with your home or office printer.

2. ePUB eBooks

ePUB, standing for electronic publication, is a free and open eBook standard by the International Digital Publishing Forum (IDPF). The primary advantage of ePUB is its reflowable content, meaning the text can automatically adjust or 'reflow' to fit different screen sizes.

This makes ePUB eBooks easy to read on any device, regardless of its size.

This format is commonly used for novels, fiction, and any text-based books where the main focus is the content rather than the layout.

However, the flexible layout does not preserve the original formatting of complex books with intricate designs, images, or tables as the PDF does. Therefore is not possible to import an ebook in PDF format and turn it into an ebook in ePUB format.

Use this format for Kindle ebooks and make sure that you read the tutorial listed below


3. Live eBooks

Want some multimedia playing inside your eBook? Regular ebooks (PDF, epub, etc.) do not allow that option. However, to overcome this limitation, we have created our own ebook format: the Live eBook!

You can add audio and have videos play inside the ebook. You can even password protect it.

However, the Live eBooks are hosted on our servers and cannot be downloaded. You have to share a unique link.

To have this option available, you must have at least the PRO upgrade.


4. Flipbooks

Flipbooks are not exactly ebooks as are generated by importing a PDF file. The main appeal of a flipbook is that mimics the experience of reading a physical book as they offer a page-flipping effect, creating an immersive reading experience.

Flipbooks are mainly used for digital magazines, catalogs, brochures, or picture-heavy eBooks. They are ideal when you want to capture the attention of your readers with a rich, interactive reading experience.

However, flipbooks cannot be downloaded and have to be hosted on our servers.


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