Adding Business Hours to your Properties is very easy!
Updated over a week ago

If you are Adding a new Property, just click on “Properties”, then “Add a Property”.

You will then open a new tab where you can add all the information about this new workspace, underneath the description you can see “Business Hours” and on the right of it, it says “Add”.

Once you click on “Add”, a small window will pop up where you can easily select the opening and closing times for each day.

If it’s the case that You just want to update / add Business hours to an existing Property, just go to “Properties”, then “My Properties” and click on the three dots on the right of the Property you wish to work on.

Underneath the description you will find the “Set Business Hours” text, and to its right you click on “Update”. There you can change the information necessary and click on “Save”.

If you have further questions don’t hesitate to contact us.

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