Adding Coworkers to Your Booking on DeskNow
Updated over a week ago

Adding coworkers to your booking on DeskNow is a straightforward process that allows you to invite your colleagues to join your booking. While only one person can initiate the booking process, you can include additional coworkers based on the space's specified capacity. For example, if you book a meeting room for one person but the capacity allows for more attendees, you can invite multiple coworkers to join the booking. Please note that you can invite coworkers only when the booking has already been confirmed.

To add coworkers, follow these steps:

  1. Go to and sign in to your account.

  2. Click on your name in the top-right corner of the page, and from the dropdown menu, select "My Bookings".

  3. On the next page, on the left-hand side, locate the booking to which you wish to add coworkers and click on it.

  4. Now on the right-hand side, you'll see essential information about the booking, as well as two buttons.

  5. Click on the left button labeled "Invite".

  6. A window will pop up, prompting you to select the space for which you want to invite coworkers. Below that, you can enter the email addresses of the coworkers you wish to invite. If these coworkers also have accounts on Desk-Now, it's beneficial, but not mandatory.

  7. Once you've entered the email addresses, click on the "Invite" button at the bottom-right corner of the window.

  8. Your coworkers will receive an email with an invitation to join your booking. Inside the email, they will find an "Accept Invitation" button.

  9. After clicking on "Accept Invitation" the coworkers will be officially added to the booking, and they will be considered as part of the reservation.

By following these easy steps, you can easily add coworkers to your booking on DeskNow, enabling you to collaborate and make the most of your reserved space. Happy booking!

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