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How to Sync Outlook with DeskNow and Connect Individual Spaces to Resource Calendars
How to Sync Outlook with DeskNow and Connect Individual Spaces to Resource Calendars

How to Sync Outlook with DeskNow and Connect Individual Spaces to Resource Calendars

Updated over a week ago

DeskNow offers the convenience of syncing your Outlook account with its platform and connecting individual spaces to their respective resource calendars on Microsoft. This process enables seamless integration, allowing you to efficiently manage your resources and bookings. In this support article, we will guide you through the step-by-step process of achieving this integration.

Step 1: Connect Outlook to DeskNow

  1. Login to DeskManager: Begin by logging in to your DeskNow account using your credentials.

  2. Access Settings: Once logged in, navigate to the "Settings" section within DeskManager.

  3. Integrations: Within the "Settings" menu, locate and select the "Integrations" option. This is where you will initiate the connection with Outlook.

  4. Connect with Microsoft Account: To establish the connection, ensure that you use a Microsoft account that has permissions to view all the resources you intend to connect. Click on the "Connect Outlook" or similar button to begin the authorization process.

  5. Authorize Access: Follow the prompts to authorize DeskNow to access your Outlook account. This step may involve signing in with your Microsoft credentials and granting the necessary permissions.

  6. Confirmation: Once the connection is successfully established, you will receive a confirmation message indicating that Outlook is now linked to your DeskNow account.

Step 2: Connect Individual Spaces to Resource Calendars

  1. Navigate to "My Properties": After connecting Outlook, return to the main DeskNow interface and click on "My Properties."

  2. Select "All Spaces": In the "My Properties" section, you will find the option to select "All Spaces." Click on it to access a list of all available spaces within your organization.

  3. Choose a Room: From the list of spaces, select the room you want to connect to its respective resource calendar. This will typically be done by clicking on the room name.

  4. Connect to Calendar: In the room details or settings, you will find a dropdown list that allows you to connect this room to its resource calendar. Choose the appropriate calendar from the list.

  5. Repeat for Other Rooms: To connect additional rooms, repeat steps 3 and 4 for each room you want to link to its resource calendar.

  6. Refresh the List (if needed): If you do not see all your resources listed in DeskNow, use the "Get Rooms" button located at the top of the page to refresh the list. This ensures that all your available resources are visible for connection.

By following these step-by-step instructions, you can easily sync your Outlook account with DeskNow and connect individual spaces to their respective resource calendars. This integration enhances your ability to efficiently manage and schedule resources within your organization. Additionally, you can further enhance your resource management by using the RoomNow Display App, which allows you to display calendars and bookings on room displays, making it even easier to keep track of reservations and availability. If you encounter any issues or have further questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to our support team for assistance.

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