Pie Chart

Illustrate numerical proportion of data

Xandy Strydom avatar
Written by Xandy Strydom
Updated over a week ago

New to Dashboards (formerly known as Analytics)? Start here.

To create a pie chart of your submission data, first navigate to your Dashboards page.

Select the Dashboard you would like to use. You can also click on "Add dashboard" to create and name a new Dashboard.

Click on the "Add Chart" button.

You will now be prompted to "Select your Source" in step 1. The "Select Your Source" drop down will only contain names of forms which have at least one submission in the Device Magic Database Destination. The chart data is mapped directly from this source. This Destination should be added to your form by default. For instructions on enabling this Destination, please visit this article.

Select your chart type by clicking on the pie chart icon below. Then click "Next".

In step 2, you have the option to choose all of the metadata fields and form questions you'd like incorporated within the chart. These questions are grouped based on their corresponding type.

The Select question named "Rate our Service" is selected. You will be able to select more than one question, however, your final pie chart will only be able to display data from one question.

You are also given the opportunity to preview your data, by clicking on the "Preview Data" button.

This will show you a preview of the data that has previously been submitted to the fields you have selected. 

In this example, all possible answers are displayed for the question.

Click on back to return to the previous page, and then click next when you are ready for step 3.

In step 3, you will configure and create your chart. A title for the chart can be added in the "Title" section.

You're required to select one field from the "Select a Field" drop down menu. These options are questions selected in the previous step.

Lastly, choose the "Maximum Number of Slices" you would like to display in your pie chart by using the slider to select a number. This will limit the slices to a number of your choice. This will be 7 by default.

Once you have selected your field, your pie chart will be generated on the right, depicting a slice for each of your options.

Hovering over each slice will give you more information about the answer, such as the percentage and the number of submissions that had this option selected.

In the example below, you will see that hovering over the "Excellent" slice option, shows us that when users answered the question "Rate our Service", they selected the option "Excellent"  29.17 % of the time and 14 submissions were made with this option selected.

Decreasing the number of slices, will combine the smallest slices into one single slice called "Others". As an example, the number of slices has been changed to "3" below. The chart now only displays 3 slices, namely "Excellent", "Good" and "Others". 

When you're satisfied, click "Create". The new chart will appear on your Dashboard.

On the top right-hand corner of your chart, you can select the date range, chart options menu, and move your chart. For more information on these features, please view this article

If you have any questions or comments, feel free to send us a message at support@devicemagic.com.

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