Preview Your PDF Template with Real Data

View submission data as it will appear on your PDF template in one click

Xandy Strydom avatar
Written by Xandy Strydom
Updated over a week ago

Forms with an active PDF Destination can be previewed within your Device Magic Database. To view a preview of a submission, scroll to the right and click on the page icon in the submission's row.

A window will pop up with a list of all PDF destinations linked to the particular form. Here you can select the destination you would like to preview.

Once selected, the preview will load on the screen. Keep in mind that the load time will depend on the template and amount of data to render.

Note: Preview is only available for forms with a PDF Destination. If there are no PDF Destinations set up for the form, your Preview Destination pop-up window will not show any available destinations.


If you see the following error page pop up when trying to generate a PDF Preview, this indicates that the template used has an issue and is invalid.

Resend the submission to your destination instead. This will create a delivery error on your Home page, which will provide info on where the issue lies in the template.
For details on your delivery error, please see the Delivery Issues Help Doc here.

Other Device Magic Database Capabilities:

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