Submitting Your First Form

After you have built your form and setup your Destinations, you are ready submit your first form.

Brett Long avatar
Written by Brett Long
Updated over a week ago

In this example we will complete one of the sample forms that is loaded on your organization by default.

New Device Magic UI:

Tap on the Delivery Note form to open it. Completing the form is a simple task of navigating down through the form and answering the questions provided.

Note: If you ever want to save a form and return to it later, you can do so by tapping the "Save" button at the bottom of the form. More info on the Drafts Tab here.

Forms with required questions will not submit until an answer is provided, so make sure the form is completed accordingly.

Once your form has been completed, tap "Submit" (check mark) at the bottom of the form to send.

Once you have submitted your form, you will be prompted with a popup, asking if you are sure you want to submit to the server. this is to check if you are finished with the form, incase you hit the submit button by accident. Any validation that is attached to the form would also be run now to check that the answers are correct.

New Device Magic UI:

Once you have confirmed by clicking "Submit" once again, the Mobile Forms app will return to the home screen, where all your forms are listed.

The newly submitted form will be placed in a queue to be submitted to the server. As soon as you connect to a strong wi-fi or internet connection, the form will disappear from the queue. If you don't have internet access at the time, don't worry, the forms will stay in the queue until such a connection becomes available.That's one of our favorite features of our Mobile Forms app - the ability to submit multiple forms and not having to worry about when and how they get uploaded!

After you submitted your form, your submission data will arrive to the destinations you set up for the specific form completed.

This concludes our introductory tutorial. If you have any questions or comments feel free to send us a message at

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