Change your Password and Personal Preferences

Update your password, email preferences, and more.

Brett Long avatar
Written by Brett Long
Updated over a week ago

To modify your password and other user-related settings on Device Magic, click on the Personal Settings link on the top-right while logged in:

Next, click on "Edit" to update you user details. (Note: this is not the same as editing Organization preferences including billing, branding etc.)

Here you can edit your Full Name, Phone Number, and Default Organization and click "Update". (Note that for security purposes you will need to re-supply your password and confirmation before saving the changes.) Here you can also select the Change Password link to update your password.

Enter your current password, new password, confirm the new password, and select "Update".

You can also edit other Preferences from your Personal Settings screen, such as your Timezone, Email Notifications and Two Factor Authentication.

Please note that it is not currently possible to edit your email address here. A new user and email address will need to be added to the Organization. For more details on how to add a user, please click here

This concludes our overview of editing your password and personal preferences. If you continue to have difficulties, please reach out to us at

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