Sample Forms

You may have noticed a few forms in your account when you joined, here is a little more info on them.

Xandy Strydom avatar
Written by Xandy Strydom
Updated over a week ago

What are Sample forms?

Sample forms are the forms that is on your dashboard once you sign up and also the first forms that will appear once you have linked your device to your organization.

Why are they loaded on my organization?

These forms act like a guide, to show you more or less what it is you need to do, or in some cases, one of these forms might be exactly what you are looking for.

Here are the forms that are currently listed as sample forms on sign up:

If you have deleted them or altered them in any way that you don't know how to get back or revert them, feel free to reach out to to get these added for you.

Note: If you would like to stop a device seeing these forms, you can assign them to a different Group. More details on groups here.

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