Import or Export your Forms

Backup and move your forms by importing and exporting the JSON

Brett Long avatar
Written by Brett Long
Updated over a week ago

In this article we will give an overview of how to import and export your form designs.

Exporting a Form

To import or export any desired form, you will need to go into edit mode to do so. There are various reasons for wanting to import or export i.e. you were building in a sandbox environment and need to move it to an active organization, for backup purposes and possibly to edit some functionality not available in the designer.

To export your form, click on "Tools" then click on "Export JSON".

Save the file to your local computer.

Importing a Form

To import the form build into a new form, simply click on "New Form".

Then click on "Tools", then "Import JSON".

Select the file:

Click "Import"

After importing the form, all the questions, as in the original form will appear.
Save the form.

Editing the .JSON file manually

It is possible to edit the .JSON file directly, which may be beneficial when you have complicated "active" rules and need to quickly duplicate these rules across additional fields.

For example, let's say that you have a form that contains 4 free text questions and one select question. One of the free text questions has a complicated "active" condition as well as the field is to be required only when the first free text field has a value.

We can copy this complex condition across the second, third, and fourth free text field as shown below.

After you have exported the JSON file, open it in your preferred editor.

Once done, you will use the "Import JSON" tool to import your JSON file. Please be sure to confirm that the preferences have changed and save before you close.


  • All questions with resources (Select Questions / Expressions with LOOKUPS / Sketch Backgrounds / Map Overlays) will be need to be reconnected to the resource.

  • Importing a different .json file over an existing form will replace the existing form. If this occurs, you can revert to the previously saved form version by following these steps.

This concludes our overview of Importing and Exporting forms. If you have any questions or comments feel free to send us a message at

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