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All CollectionsGift BoxGetting Started
How to create your first gift
How to create your first gift

Getting your first free gift offer live is very easy and quick. Read our guide or watch a short video tutorial.

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Written by Team
Updated over 2 months ago

Follow these simple steps to get your first free gift offer live and shown to your customers.

The text below includes all details and field descriptions, but you can also watch a super quick video tutorial showing the free gift set-up and the app in action.

️Step 1: Add Gift Box to your theme

Add the app to your theme by enabling it in the theme editor.

Visit this link and then click on the Save button in the top right corner.

Step 2: Create your gift

Click the Create gift button.

Below are listed all available free gift offers from which you can select:

  • Free Product: To give away a free product that exists in your product catalog when customers spend a specific amount or purchase a particular product.

  • Free Product Choice: This is the same as a Free Product offer, but customers will be able to select one gift from multiple products based on your offer.

  • Free Shipping: One of the most effective motivators for customers to spend more is free shipping, available from $X. ⚠️ Please note that you also need to set up free shipping by going to Settings,» Shipping and delivery,» Manage rates,» Add rate, enter the Minimum order price, and leave the rate at 0 (free).

  • Custom Free Gift (extra service): To provide any free custom service to your customers who spend more than $X or buy a particular product.

Once you decide which one is right for your store, click the Select button to set it up.

If you don't see these options, click the Create gift button at the top-right corner of the app. Make sure you are on the Dashboard page.

Step 3: Set the gift details

At the top of the gift settings, you can enter a Gift Name that is used for your internal reference only (it is not visible to the customers). You can also leave it as is and use the predefined one.

Next, you need to select a product from your store which will be given away as a free gift. You can choose any product, including the one with multiple variants (you can also select a specific variant only). The product needs to be in stock; otherwise, the gift won't appear.

Lastly, you need to pick one of the conditions. Either a minimum amount spent or a specific product. For the minimum spend, enter the amount (cart total) from which this gift will be automatically added to the customer's cart. You can enter any value higher than 1. For a specific product, select one of the products from your catalog, and when the customer adds it to the cart, he/she will also receive a free gift.

Moreover, you can also customize (or localize) the Gift Box texts by ticking the Customize Texts option.

Step 4: Save and activate the gift

Now, just click on the Save and Activate button at the right-bottom part of the page. That's it, and your free gift offer is now live. Congratulations!

Step 5: Test the upsell offer on the live site

As the last step, we recommend going to your site and checking the Gift Box pop-up yourself. Simply go to any store page and wait a couple of seconds until the small gift icon is loaded.

Based on the number of free gifts, your Gift Box should look like this:

➡️ Additional Actions

  • To get more free gifts into your Gift Box, simply create a new gift offer. There is no limit as the popup is fully responsive.

  • Go to app Settings in the navigation and customize (or localize) the pop-up texts, color, or adjust the displaying behavior.

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