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How to create a Property Report in NZ
Updated over a year ago

Once you create a custom farm a new tab will appear in the left-hand panel.

Navigate to the reports tab and click new report.

A prompt will open, click on Property Report ‘Generate a simple property report that can be downloadable as a PDF’.

A Property Report panel on the right side will open, click on the Overview tab.

If the Property Address, doesn't populate automatically by DAS the platform, overtype and enter the property address.

By unticking each check box you can exclude from the final report.

The Overview tab will expand and all areas within here are editable.

Click on the Nearby Sales tab then Find Sales

Set the filters to suit the criteria you are wanting to use for your analysis.

Note: You have the ability to exclude sales, sales pins and appraisal pins individually by the eye icon. If the eye has a dash through it they won’t appear on the map.

Once you are happy with the filters switch on the sales layer and your results will appear.

When scroll out of the main screen you will see all the matching sales appear.

Hovering you mouse over each of the properties you can see the details of the sale

Once you find a sale that you would like to add to your property report – hold down alt (windows) or Command (ios) and click on the property.

Once you do, navigate to the sales tab within the left-hand panel – find and approve the sale.

Once approved hit add nearby sales and it will appear in your Property Report.

Repeat for as many sales as you wish – all your selected sales will appear in the Nearby Sales section of your report.

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