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Updated over 2 weeks ago

Another way to include an image on the page is through the tag’s API.

const d8sApi = initDimensions({ ... });

d8sApi.addImage(document.getElementById("my-image"), {
id: "my-shoe",
preset: "shoes",
name: "front"

d8sApi.addVideo(...); //add video

d8sApi.add3d(...); //add 3d viewer

The add*() functions can be used to add additional assets to the page explicitly.

The tag also exposes events that can be accessed through a handler:

const d8sApi = initDimensions({ ... });

const unregister = d8sApi.on((event, ...args) => {
`######### DIMENSIONS EVENT LISTENER CALLED - event: ${event}`,

This will log events from the tag about the viewers load and interaction.

######### DIMENSIONS EVENT LISTENER CALLED - event: tag-image-load-start

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