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Custom settings

Detailed information on settings for the Custom discount type

Gavyn Leavitt avatar
Written by Gavyn Leavitt
Updated over a month ago

Cart groups

Cart groups are groups of cart lines used by discount proposals to determine which products are required in the cart to apply the discount as well as which products are to be discounted.

Match all - Puts each product in the cart in every matching group rather than only the first matching group.

Filter by products - Include cart lines containing specific products or product variants in this group

Filter by line quantity greater than or equal to - Include cart lines where the quantity of products is greater than the given amount in this group.

Filter by line price greater than or equal to - Include cart lines where the total value of the line is greater than the given amount in this group.

Filter by line attribute - Include cart lines containing the given line attribute value (stored under _discount_kit) in this group.

Filter by metafield tag value - Include cart lines containing a specific string as defined in the product's metafields in this group.

Filter by purchase type - Include cart lines matching a specific purchase type (one-time or subscription) in this group.

Exclude lines with compare at price - Exclude cart lines containing products with a compare-at price from this group.

Metafield configuration

Instead of using discount proposals to configure discounts, Use metafield configuration can be toggled to source discounting information from product metafields. More information on this can be found here.

Discount proposals

Discount proposals are the meat of the Custom discount type. They are used to determine when to apply a discount, and what discount amount to apply. A Custom discount may output multiple discount proposals and will use a discount application strategy to determine whether to apply one or all of them.

Message - Denotes the discount proposal and, for automatic discounts, overrides the discount title when the discount is displayed in the cart or checkout.

Conditions - A variable number of rules that determine what products must be in the cart before the discount may be applied.

Repeating rule - Allows the discount to be applied for each time the prerequisite is met rather than just once.

Targets - Determines which products in the cart the discount will be applied to.

Require all targets - Enforces that all target products are in the cart before the discount is applied.

Value - The discount amount to apply to selected targets.

Applies to each - Determines whether the discount is spread across multiple items or applied to each target item.

Apply to compare-at price - Determines whether the discount is applied to the product's price or the product's compare-at price.

Discount application strategy

Determines which, and how many, discount proposals will be applied.

All - Will attempt to apply all discount proposals for which the prerequisites have been met.

First - Will only apply the first discount proposal for which the prerequisites have been met.

Maximum - Will only apply the discount proposal for which the prerequisites have been met that gives the most savings to the customer.

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