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How To: Install a Dispel Ubuntu Wicket AMI in AWS — Full Auto-Install Wicket Guide
How To: Install a Dispel Ubuntu Wicket AMI in AWS — Full Auto-Install Wicket Guide

This document walks you through building a virtual machine, installing a Dispel Ubuntu Wicket AMI, & testing connection to Dispel's network.

Maya Shah avatar
Written by Maya Shah
Updated yesterday

When to Use Ubuntu Wicket AMIs

In scenarios where remote resources that need to be accessed exist in the customer’s AWS Cloud instance, AMI Wickets can be deployed. This is especially useful for data streaming use cases.

Guide Overview

This guide assumes you have received the Wicket AMI file from the Dispel team. This walkthrough is broken down into three sections:

  1. Building the virtual machine (VM)

  2. Installing and configuring the Dispel Wicket AMI image onto the AWS VM

  3. Verifying successful connection to the Dispel Network

Pre-Requisite: Downloading the Ubuntu Wicket VHD

💡 To start this process, you will need a custom AMI file from Dispel as well as the AMI ID. This AMI file will contain everything needed for your Wicket—including the OS, network configurations, and Wicket licensing. Simply build the VM with the specs below, attach the Wicket AMI, and boot up the machine.

Please ensure that your downloaded AMI file is not corrupted. To verify the integrity of your downloaded Wicket AMI file prior to installation, visit the guide linked below.

Installation Process

Step 1: Building the VM

  1. Ensure you are in the correct region in AWS, by selecting from the dropdown in 
the top right-hand corner of your screen.

  2. Locate your AMI by navigating to EC2 → AMIs → Search by your AMI ID (provided 
by Dispel).

  3. Once you have located your AMI, launch an instance from it.

  4. Configure your instance:

    1. Application and OS Images (Amazon Machine Image): Will auto-populate with your AMI.

    2. Instance type: t2 medium is recommended.

    3. Key pair (login): Key pairs will not be loaded, due to the wicketʼs customizations. 
These can be manually loaded post-install.

    4. Network settings: You will have been provided firewall rules that the wicket requires 
to establish its tunnels. Otherwise, please configure this according to your organizationʼs security policies.

    5. Configure storage: 25 GB Root volume.

    6. Advanced details: N/A

  5. When finished configuring, launch your instance.

Step 2: Verifying Successful Connection to the Dispel Network

  1. Log in to the new Wicket VM

  2. After 2 Minutes: In the command line, type ifconfig.

    1. Verify that two interfaces named tun100 and tun101 appear.

    2. Verify the Network Interface addresses are correct.

  3. Verify the wicket can reach the Dispel Production Server with ping

  4. A Dispel team member should verify that the Wicket is visible from the Moving Target Defense Region (Dispel Network).

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