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Group Access Windows - Navigating the User View

The purpose of this document is to show users how to interact and use the Group Access Windows feature.

Written by Ken Steck
Updated over 6 months ago

When inspecting a specific user, Admins may want to know if they have any attached Access Windows (AWs). Within the user page, the Access Windows panel shows any attached AWs so that the administrator may quickly jump to that access window for further administration (AW extension, revocation, etc.).

Further, when users open their dashboard, they will notice an Access Window tab in their dashboard view on the right side. Clicking on that Access Window tab brings them to information about which access windows they are able to use. They can search for access windows by name with the search bar. For simplicity, the sorting order of access windows defaults to approved windows at the top, then Pending, then Denied or Expired at the bottom of the list.

Clicking on one of the access window names in the list gives the user the options to connect to the resources allowed to them in that window. There is no need to search for resources to connect in this new interface as all resources are contained within specific windows.

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