Our standard badge code is designed to work on a majority of websites, but some websites don't allow advanced HTML formatting. We do have a workaround that will require little work from your end to get it right.
The instructions provided here will assume you are already logged into your DMCA.com services account.
Please keep in mind that you will need to do this process to each website page link. You can also use some sort or Permalink Wildcard code that will automatically detect the page it's being visited or when a badge is clicked on.
To get this working, you will need to create your own link.
Log into your DMCA.com account, Go to the Badges page
Select the badge/image of your choice and save it to your hard drive (right click, save as).
Copy the badge HTML code and paste it into a notepad or any text editor. That code should look like this:a href="http://www.dmca.com/Protection/Status.aspx?ID=ab3c3ab3-425f-44ca-8338-07ccdaaa6dc9" title="DMCA.com Protection Status" class="dmca-badge"> img src="http://images.dmca.com/Badges/dmca_protected_sml_120m.png?ID=ab3c3ab3-425f-44ca-8338-07ccdaaa6dc9" alt="DMCA.com Protection Status"
From within this code, retrieve your badge GUID. GUID - This would be your DMCA Badge "Global Unique Identifier" which contains 36 characters. Looks like:ab3c3ab3-425f-44ca-8338-07ccdaaa6dc9
Now, put the link together with your GUID and website link.http://www.dmca.com/Protection/Status.aspx?ID=GUID&refurl=https://www.websitehere.com/page/page Here is an example of how it should end up:http://www.dmca.com/Protection/Status.aspx?ID=ab3c3ab3-425f-44ca-8338-07ccdaaa6dc9&refurl=https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/your-post-goes-here
Upload the badge image to your website.
Once it has been uploaded, select that image to add the link you have created.
When done you can save to update your website.
If you have further questions about the above, please submit a question and we will be happy to answer.