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How can I contact
How can I contact

To contact directly, phone numbers and address information

Diane avatar
Written by Diane
Updated over a week ago

Global Headquarters

 1 888-258-2612 Toll Free

 1 (778) 747 - 0442*

795 Market Street
Victoria, British Columbia
V8T 0B4, Canada

* Due to the copyright infraction process, is unable to address your copyright infringement or DMCA Case concerns by phone. Nor are we able to return your call regarding any case or infringement concerns. All communication regarding your case is conducted through the DMCA Secure User Portal. The best and quickest method for to review your copyright infringement issue is to complete the DMCA copyright infringement takedown.

If you have any further questions about these features, please submit a question and we will be happy to answer.

Other FAQ's that will interest you:

How can I file a DMCA Takedown Notice?
How much does a Takedown cost?
How can I do a DIY Takedown? 

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