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What is the Takedown Guarantee?
What is the Takedown Guarantee?

Takedown notice guarantee and exceptions

Diane avatar
Written by Diane
Updated over a week ago

The guarantee offers a 100% money back for its DMCA Takedowns. This means, if we can't get the infringing website taken down under DMCA specifications we will fully refund your money.

  1. if the OSP/ISP does NOT follow accepted DMCA Policy regarding the website takedown process. Some websites and hosting companies interpret the act and its enforcement differently than outlined by authorities or convention. We have no control over this and therefore cannot guarantee their actions with regards to individual takedown requests.

  2. if the OSP/ISP or website is located outside the USA. Although most hosting companies and website involved with content have a DMCA like "policy" or an Intellectual Property Protection Policy, not all follow the copyright content removal conventions and therefore we cannot guarantee the application

  3. if the infringing site owner / publisher launches a successful counterclaim and the OSP/ISP re-hosts the website and / or the "infringed" content is republished

Note: generally notifies you prior to proceeding with takedowns in above situations. This way you have the choice to proceed with the takedown or not. Not all the exceptions above mean your takedown will not occur it simply means the takedown may take longer, cost more to conduct.

If you have any further questions about this, please submit a question and we will be happy to answer.

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