All Collections Protection Badge
How do I place a Protection Badge on a Wordpress site?
How do I place a Protection Badge on a Wordpress site?

plugin codes on wordpress site for badge certificate

Diane avatar
Written by Diane
Updated over a week ago

The Protection plugin for WordPress allows you to easily integrate’s page protection badges into your WordPress site.

Once installed and activated, you can use the DMCA Protection Badge page in your Dashboard’s Settings Menu to specify how your choice of badge should be displayed in posts and pages. You can also choose to display your badge site-wide using the DMCA Badge Widget. You can use the badges for free but we suggest that you sign up for an account at in order to receive the full benefit of the certified badges.

How does the tracking mechanism work?

When the Badge on your page is viewed by someone with a modern web browser, it makes a request to our image servers for the badge and we take note of where this request originated. Then we queue our crawling system to follow up and check the page (where the request originated) and make sure the badge is properly embedded. Then a certificate entry is created.

Installation Instructions:

This section describes how to install the DMCA Protection Badge plugin and get it working.

  1. Upload dmca-badge to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory

  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress

  3. Choose a free badge or provide your DMCA credentials in order to add a badge that is tracked from your DMCA Protection Portal.

  4. Customize the badge placement in the Theme Options section or add the DMCA Badge widget to your sidebar or footer.

If you have questions please email support and we will be happy to assist you: 

If you have any further questions about this, please submit a question and we will be happy to answer.

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