Over 75% of all client takedowns are multiple takedowns.
It is not uncommon for one client to require multiple takedowns.
Either same title stolen and republished many times over or several titles copied and hosted elsewhere without permission. Once you submit a complete list we can provide excellent pricing prior to commencing work.
DMCA.com has two Enterprise Takedown services. Each of DMCA.com's takedown services can provide an unlimited number of takedowns and both have special Enterprise pricing for multiple Takedowns.
DMCA.com's Professional Takedown services. We do all the work for you, all you need to do is fill out our simple Takedown form. Takes less than 3 minutes. In order to get the best pricing please make certain to provide a complete list of all infringing urls. Be as specific as possible, when you sign up. Click here to get started: https://www.dmca.com/takedown/signup/
DMCA.com's Do it yourself Takedown Service. We provide all the tools the professionals use and you spend the time researching and processing the Takedown Application. https://www.dmca.com/Toolkit/signup/