If someone has copied your entire website and is hosting it somewhere else, DMCA.com can help.
Instructions on what to do if your entire website has been copied
Start a takedown now Professional Takedown Service It takes less than 3 minutes to complete.
Make sure to submit a complete list of everything that has been stolen from your website. Includes items like advertising and marketing collateral (images, video and text) code, articles, payment gateway information etc.
DMCA.com's takedown form is very easy to complete. Simply submit the infringing name / URL HTTP link location, where you found your copied site and we can go to work on your behalf.
There has been a rapid increase of popular websites being copied verbatim and re-hosted elsewhere. This is designed to steal your SEO or Search Engine Index status to capitalize on (Google) search engine traffic and ultimately steal your site traffic and clients. DMCA.com has helped many clients where this has happened.
Often the first signs this has happened to you will be:
a drop on google page ranking. Where your website may have dropped from page 1 to 2 or 22. and
a drop in traffic
a drop in click through and client traffic
Register now and we can help
Some examples of stolen content that we work with everyday are:
Pictures - business services collateral, marketing and advertising images, product pages and images etc
Videos - promotional videos, advertising, marketing, product placement, testimonials etc
Profiles or Bio's - personal or corporate
If one of these examples is like your situation we can probably help.
go to: www.dmca.com/takedown/signup and complete the form
check the appropriate box on the DMCA form to "swear" the content is yours