If you have found a DMCA Protection Badge on website / webpage you believe has stolen or copyright content on, you can submit a takedown against that site.
The DMCA Protected Badge does NOT prevent users from processing a Takedown against that website owner. In fact, having the DMCA Badge on a website with illegally hosted content is a good thing because it means you actually have a point of contact to communicate with regarding the stolen content.
This situation is even better if you are the owner, you can complete the takedown form and we will submit it to the contact of the infringing website on your behalf.
If you have identified a DMCA.com Protected site with stolen content simply complete the DMCA Takedown form.
Go to: www.dmca.com/takedown/signup and complete the form.
As per the act, we cannot submit takedown applications on your behalf anonymously.
Some examples of stolen content that we work with everyday are:
Pictures - of you or taken by you
Videos - of you or taken by you
Profiles or Bio's - personal or corporate
If one of these examples is like your situation we can help.
If you have further questions about the above, please submit a question and we will be happy to answer.
Other FAQ's that will interest you:
How do I add a DMCA Protection Badge to my Website?
Where can I start a takedown?
What is the difference between Protection Pro Basic (free) and Protection Pro (paid)?
How do I protect my website against content theft?
How much will my takedown cost?