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Why put a Protection Badge On My Website?
Why put a Protection Badge On My Website?

Reasons a Protection Badge certificate is needed

Jen avatar
Written by Jen
Updated over a week ago

The Protection badges are very useful for many reasons some not listed here, but here's a top 5 list of why it's a good idea to have a badge on your pages/sites.

What if your entire website is copied, and someone else is using your valuable content killing your SEO everyday, what do you do? 

These are real problems that people face everyday, and we have created our Protection badges to help!

Here are the Top 5 reasons to use a Badge!

  1. Protection Guarantee! With a registered DMCA badge on your website, you have a unique seal of protection, and if your content is stolen while protected, we will perform a Takedown service for free!

  2. Strong Visual Deterrent! Thieves are looking for easy prey, and when they see a DMCA badge, they tend to tuck tail and run away. Your badge is a visual deterrent, and they know that if they stole your content, they would be hearing from!

  3. Stolen Content Detection! With a registered dmca badge on your website, if someone steals your entire site, they often steal your badge, and if that happens it is displayed in your protection portal and you can launch a takedown immediately.

  4. Defend Yourself - Don’t be prey to these predators!Thieves want the path of least resistance, and having our badge on your site gives resistance, showing fight, showing you'll fight back!

  5. Official Encrypted Content Signature to prove ownership!
    When you add our badge, we scan your website and store an encrypted content signature and timestamp on your website in our database, which can be unsealed in the event you need to prove your ownership. We at act as a certified witness, that attests to your ownership. Think of it like an online notary public!

If you have any further questions, please submit a question and we will be happy to answer.

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