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Adding the DMCA badge to your Chaturbate profile
Adding the DMCA badge to your Chaturbate profile

Instructions on how to add the Protection Badge to your Chaturbate profile page

Brittany-Ann avatar
Written by Brittany-Ann
Updated over a week ago

Important: Placing the Protection Badge on your Chaturbate profile will trigger the indexing systems to register your page and check your profile as it is requested by users (ie. when the badge is clicked by a visitor).

For the badge to work on the Chartubate website, it requires a Pro account as they use HTTPS on their users profiles and also, you will need a custom badge code. The procedure on how to get this custom code will be explained below.
Instructions on how you can add the badge onto your video stream are listed here:
Add the DMCA logo in front of my chaturbate video Broadcast?

How do I retrieve the DMCA badge code for my Chaturbate profile?

  1. Log into

  2. Click on “Protection Badges” and then on “Protected Pages”.

  3. Click on the “Add badges to your website” button.

  4. Select your desired badge and copy the code and paste it on a notepad.

  5. Add the following ( &refurl= ) between the first GUID and the next Quotation Mark: "..."see examples below


GUID- This would be your DMCA Badge "Global Unique Identifier" which contains 36 characters. Your GUID will be located in your DMCA Badge code which can be retrieved from your DMCA account. - Replace the YourProfileName/ with your Chaturbate profile. This will usually be your Chaturbate profile log in or username which is also located on the top right of your opened session in

Please also know that adding the P/ will not work and will need to be removed. 


In case you have problems or don’t have any HTML knowledge, DMCA can provide you with this custom badge code for you profile for a $99 fee.

If you have any question or would like help adding a custom badge please - Send a question

Where do I place the badge code on my Chaturbate profile?

  1. Click on “My Profile” which is located on the right side of the Chatubate webpage.

  2. Click on the “Edit Your Bio” link under the My Bio tab

  3. On the “About Me” or the “Wish Lists” fields, paste the badge code. Putting the badge on one of them should be enough.

  4. Finally, click on the “Update Bio” button located below and your profile should be updated properly with the DMCA badge.

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