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Creating Space Groups
Updated over 12 months ago

Setting up your Spaces Groups in Dockwa helps create a digital representation of your marina’s dockage in your Dockwa Dashboard. Space Groups are categories of dockage at your marina. These categories are defined by things like min/max LOA as well as slips versus moorings. Once it is created, each Space Group is filled with Spaces (i.e. the individual moorings or slips that fall into a particular category). See how to create Spaces HERE.

Before creating a Space Group, think about which groups of your dockage should make up an individual Space Group. Generally, inventory of the same type and the same min/max LOA should be grouped together into a single Space Group. For example, a group of moorings with the same min and max LOA would be their own Space Group, while a group of slips with the same min and max LOA would be another, separate, Space Group.

How to create a Space Group:

  1. Once you know how you’ll categorize your dockage into Space Groups, head to the “Settings” page under the Account Menu.

  2. Navigate to the “Space Groups” tab, and click the “New Space Group" button.

  3. Here, enter in the details of your new space group. Footnotes at the bottom of the Space Group pop-up page explain how each field relates to your marina's dockage. For now, don't worry about completing the "Automatic Confirmations" field. This is a field we will revisit when we help you set up Auto Confirm.

  4. Click “Add Space Group,” to see this new space group appear in your list of Space Groups.

  5. Add as many space groups as needed, until all of your marina's dockage is represented. Even if your marina's dockage is fairly uniform, it's good to set up one Space Group, should you wish to use Auto Confirm.


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