1. Total Hours Logged by Employees
This section provides an overview of the total hours that employees have logged for volunteering activities.
This Period: Displays the hours logged during the selected period (e.g., this week, month, or year).
Company Goal: Shows the target number of volunteering hours your company has set for the period.
Progress Bar: Visual representation of how much of the company's goal has been completed.
100% Growth Indicator: Highlights the growth in the number of hours logged compared to the last period.
2. Employee Engagement
Displays how many employees participated in volunteering activities during the selected period.
100% Engagement Growth: Indicates that all employees who engaged in the last period continue to engage or new participants have been added.
Employee Engagement Trend: A graph to track changes in engagement over time.
3. Volunteering Hours (Breakdown by Employees or Groups)
This section highlights individual contributions of employees or groups within the company:
Top Volunteers: Lists employees with the most hours logged.
Group Hours: Shows how many hours specific groups or departments have contributed.
4. Favorite Causes
A breakdown of volunteering hours or activities by the causes employees are most passionate about.
Pie Chart Representation: Displays the percentage of hours dedicated to each cause, such as Community, Sustainability, Animal Welfare, Crisis and Welfare, etc.
Hours or Activities Done: Toggle between viewing hours spent and the number of activities completed for each cause.
5. Trending Metrics
Trending Cause: Shows which cause had the most engagement in the selected period.
Trending Type of Activity: Displays the type of activities that were most popular (e.g., ongoing opportunities, team events).
Trending Day to Volunteer: Indicates which days saw the highest volunteering activity.
6. Applications (By Type)
This section is used to track applications for volunteering opportunities.
By Type: Displays a breakdown of applications based on different activity types (e.g., events, ongoing opportunities).
Total Applications: Shows the total number of applications submitted by employees.
7. Charities Helped
Provides a list of charities that your employees have supported, along with the total hours contributed to each organization.
Logs or Applications: Toggle between viewing the logs of hours contributed or the number of applications for volunteering.
8. Preferable Activities
This section would normally display the activities employees prefer based on past engagement, but it may show no data if there hasn’t been enough engagement to identify preferences.
How to Use the Insights Dashboard:
Time Frame Selection:
Use the drop-down menu to filter insights by time period, such as "This Month," "This Week," or "Last 12 Months."
You can also set custom date ranges to analyze specific periods.
Download Reports:
For each section, you’ll notice a download button. Click this to export the data into a report, useful for sharing with other departments or tracking progress offline.
Invite Employees and Charities:
If your dashboard shows minimal data, you may need to invite more employees or partner with more charities to drive engagement and see richer insights. The "Invite Employees" or "Invite Charities" buttons make this simple.
By regularly checking the insights dashboard, you can measure the success of your employee engagement programs and optimize future volunteering opportunities to better align with employee preferences and company goals