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Members Area Overview

The Members Area is where you manage the people and organisations connected to your main brand.

Updated over 4 months ago

Key Sections of the Members Area

  1. Members Tab

    • This section lists all employee members of your organization. These members are employees within your company who are involved in various activities.

    • You can invite new members by clicking the Invite Employee button. Once invited, employees will appear in the Members list with their respective details such as name, email, and organization.

  2. Partners Tab

    • This section displays a list of your charity partners. These are external organizations or nonprofits that collaborate with your company on volunteer programs and other initiatives.

    • Partners will have their own list, allowing you to view details like the charity’s name and contact information.

  3. Child Org Tab (Child Organizations)

    • Child Organizations are separate organizations or offices that operate under your main brand. This is useful if you have different departments, branches, or even regional offices that operate semi-independently.

    • These child organizations allow for decentralized management, where each branch can invite its own members, manage activities, and monitor its own impact.

    • Within this tab, you can view and manage all the child organizations linked to your main brand.

Inviting and Managing Members

  1. Inviting Members (Employees)

    • To invite employees, go to the Members Tab and click Invite Employee.

    • You will need to enter the employee’s email address to send the invitation.

    • Once they accept the invitation, they will appear in the Members list with their information, including name, email, and the organization they belong to.

  2. Inviting Partners

    • Similarly, in the Partners Tab, you can invite new charity partners.

    • After an invitation is accepted, the partner organization will appear in the list under the Partners tab.

    • Each partner will have a designated role in your volunteer ecosystem, and you can view or edit their details.

  3. Managing Child Organizations

    • In the Child Org Tab, you can create and manage separate organizations that fall under your brand.

    • These child organizations can have their own employee members, partners, and activities, but they still report up to the main organization.

    • This is particularly helpful if your brand has different locations, departments, or subsidiaries.

Viewing Members and Partners

  • Once members and partners are invited and have accepted, you can view them in their respective lists.

  • Members: Each employee will have their own row displaying their name, email, and organization. You can filter or search for specific employees based on their name or email.

  • Partners: Similarly, partners will be displayed in a list format with key details about their organization, allowing easy access and management of relationships.

Other Actions

  • Options Menu: For both members and partners, there is an Options button next to each entry. Here, you can perform actions such as editing the details of the member or partner, or removing them from the organization if necessary.

  • Export List: There is also an option to Export the List of members or partners, which can be helpful for reporting or managing data offline.

Explanation of Roles:

  • Employee Members: These are the staff members within your organization. They participate in volunteer activities and contribute to your company’s overall goals.

  • Charity Partners: These are nonprofit or charity organizations that collaborate with your company for volunteer projects, campaigns, or events.

  • Child Organizations: If you have multiple offices, departments, or even different entities operating under your main brand, these are managed as child organizations. Each child organization can function with a level of autonomy but is still part of the larger corporate structure.

This guide will help you navigate the Members area effectively, understand the different categories of participants (employees, partners, child organizations), and manage invitations and member lists efficiently.

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