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How to create an event

What is an event and how do I create one?

Updated over 11 months ago

Events are an activity with a fixed time and date. There are often one time activities that people can attend wether that be in person or online.

A video walk through here:

To create an event click on 'New Activity' from the admin dashboard.

Then select the first option and the following screen will appear:

Step 1

Make sure to fill out all fields with a red asterix as these are required fields, however the more fields you fill out the better your event will appear for potential attendees.

When crating your event select the app you wish for it to appear in so that you reach the right audience for the event.

Selecting the right cause will make the event appear for those purpfoulsy searching for that cause area


Our events support a range of causes

  • Older people

  • Community

  • Crisis and Welfare

  • Animal welfare

  • Sports, Art and culture

  • Young People & Children

  • Health and social care

  • Sustainability, heritage and environment

Application approval is a key option as if set to yes you will need to manually accept those who wish to attend the event. If the event has not attendance limit make sure to set this option to no.

Once you have filled out this section click continue to see the following screen:

Step 2

To make you event as appealing as possible use this area to add a cover image so that it stands out to people as they look for possible events they may want to attend.

You also have the new ability to add extra images whether this is examples from past events or to help people understand what the event has to offer.

Once you are happy with your images click continue to see the following screen:

Step 3

You need to let people know more about the event and when it will take place. The first option allows you to dictate the location and if you select online you will be able to include a web link for the event.

Space option and type of work allows you to help potential participants understand the requirements of the event and wether it may or in some case may not be suitable for them.

You now need to specify the start date, time and when the event will end, remember you can have multiple dates and times for events saving you the time of having to recreate a new one from scratch.

The application deadline is a useful field to utilise if you need a cut off point before the event to manage your applicants.

How many people that can attend your event may be a factor if this is the case the final field allows you to limit the number of applicants. If this is not an issue for your event tick the box to allow no limit and let all attend.

Your event may be happening not only at different times but also in different locations. Make sure to use the new place feature at the bottom of the page to again save your self the need to create multiple events that are similar in nature but are happening in numerous places.

Once you are happy with your event click publish and watch the applicants role in.

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