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For Corporates
How to sign up and get started as a corporate
How to sign up and get started as a corporate
Updated this week

If you have previously gone to the Big help out website, you will have seen a sign up button to access the platform or we will send you the link in an email.

Quick silent video of how to get started here!

Step 1. Follow this link

Step 2. Create your user account

Enter your details in the boxes on the right including

  1. First Name

  2. Surname or last name

  3. Work email address

  4. Phone number (this is so we can confirm your account in the future if email does not work!)

  5. Password

Confirm your account via email and enter the code!

Step 3. Create an organisation account

Fill in the details once you have confirmed the user account

Step 4. Invite fellow admins

This may be team members who would be helping administer the account with you or managers. You can skip this step and do it later if you wish!

Step 5. Invite your staff in!

  1. Choose add org member on the add members button

2. Tick the relavent apps

3. Create a branded invite with

a) Welcome message e.g Join BHO with our "company name" to help lend a hand!

b) Short message to encourage staff to sign up!

c) Branding colours (hex colour) your logo and background image

Fill in all information and click continue

4. You can either invite individually by email or click "invite and share link "Click on copy and there you have it! Your link for staff!

Share this on your intranet or via emails and enable your staff to login and sign up.

I´m a sole trader and only you would like to volunteer.

Here's how you can do it:

  1. Self-Invitation: Invite yourself and accept the invite link.

Remember, as a sole trader, your individual efforts play a crucial role in driving positive change. By taking the initiative to involve yourself, you not only contribute to worthy causes but also showcase the spirit of entrepreneurship and social responsibility!


If you click on your members area and click view member you can see which activites they have applied too how many logged hours on events, actions and ongoing roles!

Whats coming soon?

  • Ability to create your own mini app so you can create private roles just for your company!

  • Logged hours report and free insights across the company!

  • Staff can create an offer their skills and avaibility and publish it into the marketplace!

    And much much more!

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