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Update 14/07/2021

Follow the correction, implementation of new features and new developments.

Félix Vercouter avatar
Written by Félix Vercouter
Updated over a week ago

Hello !

On July the 14th 2021, there was an update on the Dokeos XLMS portal. We detail in this article all the elements pushed in production.


  • Minor corrections on the portal performance


  • The Manager role expansion
    The Manager role can be given to any user registered and validated on the portal. Currently, this role gives access to the statistics of the portal and can be used to validate training subscription requests from learners (for example, on catalog).
    From now, you will find in the administration under "Settings" > "Personalization", a setting to activate the users management for the Manager.

    The Manager will now have access to the "Users" page like the Administrator has. He will be able to handle, add, edit, activate/deactivate users.

  • The Learning Path
    Long-awaited, this feature permits you to create a logic process of trainings that your learners need to follow.
    By default, it's linear, the trainings are not accessible until the previous is completed and passed by learner. This restriction is not usefull for you ? Check the "Non-linear access" setting when you create your Learning Path and you'll make all the trainings available for learners who's subscribed to a Learning Path.
    It will be easy to follow the learners progression inside a Learning Path with the global statistics !
    We also created the following API calls :

    • Receive the Learning Path list of your portal with a GET call


    • Receive the Learning Path info and all the details for each training within with a GET call


    • Subscribe learner to a Learning Path with a POST call


    All the specifications are available on your API documentation under the "Learning Path" title.

Don't hesitate to give us some feedbacks about the update.

Thank you for your interest, your time and for reading us !
Your dedicated Dokeos Product Owner team.

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