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Update 14/02/2022

Follow the correction, implementation of new features and new developments.

Félix Vercouter avatar
Written by Félix Vercouter
Updated over a week ago

Hello !

On February the 14th 2022, there was an update on the Dokeos XLMS portal. We detail in this article all the elements deployed in production.


  • Big news for the accounts without email address !
    When you create an user with the "Login-Password" method, you'll be able to add a contact email address that will receive all the emails sent to this learner.
    As a concret example, if you want to train learners that are managed by a leader and that those don't have email address, you can redirect all the transactional emails meant for them to the leader.

    The leader can then see to who the emails are addressed to directly in the "To" of the email.


  • Major fix on the SCORM process ;

  • Fix of a SAML bug and the case sensitivity ;

  • Fix of a display bug for the vertical and horizontal videos ;

  • Fix the display of sub-portal name showed in lower case in the invitation email ;

  • Fix of the display of the PDF viewer for the mobile devices.


  • Added the email templates for Hungarian, Portuguese, Norwegian ;

  • Add the user ID in the users global export ;

  • Add the export of answers in the placement test.

Don't hesitate to give us some feedbacks about the update.

Thank you for your interest, your time and for reading us !
Your dedicated Dokeos Product Owner team.

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