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Adding extensions to the browser Dolphin {anty}
Adding extensions to the browser Dolphin {anty}
Updated over a week ago

Dolphin allows you to add extensions to all browser profiles at once, or by browser profile type. You can add the extensions you need for crypto, FB, etc. profiles, or you can add extensions for all BPs at once, or separate existing profiles so that extensions and bookmarks are added separately from others.

Important! It is desirable to add all extensions according to this instruction, to avoid in the future with the differences or incorrect operation of the extensions themselves.

1. You can do this in the 🧩Extensions section, get there by clicking on the appropriate button in the left menu of the browser.

2. After going to the Extensions section, click the "+" button in the upper right corner.

3. Next to the search bar, and when you click it, an add dialog box appears:

🛒Adding an extension from the Chrome store

In this window, you can add an extension from the Chrome extension store by simply copying the link to the extension and pasting it into the appropriate field of the dialog box.

Important: The link must be of the form:
If there are any parameters at the end of your link, for example ?hl=ru, they must be delete from the link, including a question mark.

As mentioned above, you have to choose for which profiles you want to add an extension: for some specific types (it is specified when you create the BP) or for all of them at once. Also, you can share an extension with a team when you add it, in which case all team members will see it in their list of extensions.

After clicking Create, this extension will be available in the browser profile.

🗄Adding an extension from an archive

You can also add your own custom extension, or an extension that is not in the Chrome extension store.
1. To do this, in the Add Extensions dialog box, click the Upload File tab.

2. In the window that appears, you can add the name of the extension, upload a zip-archive with the extension itself.

  • Change the logo.

  • Select the profile types in which this extension will appear.

  • You can share it with the team.

1. If you add heavy extensions via Store in Browser Profile - it may cause profiles to take a long time to close and there will be errors on profile synchronization
2. The maximum size of an extension is:
3. Extensions can fail profiles, if they have old Usergent installed, for example: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/54.0.2848.18 Safari/537.36. This happens because not all extensions support normal chrome building version.
4. Please note that updating extensions in the Browser Profile, for the time being, is done manually:

1. Close Dolphin anty

For Windows OS

2. Press win + r and type %appdata%

You can also do this by typing: C:\Users\Users\AppData\Roaming\dolphin_anty\extensions

3. Go to Roaming\dolphin_anty\extensions

4. Delete all folders in the extensions folder

5. Launch the browser and check everything

For Mac OS

2. In the Finder, select go to the folder and type : ~/library/ and click go

Accessing the Hidden User Library (macOS) – Native Instruments

3. Go to Application Support - dolphin_anty - extensions

4. Delete all folders in the extensions folder

5. Start the browser and check everything

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