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How to work with Dolphin {parser}
Updated over a month ago

🤔 What's that?

Dolphin{parser} is a microservice that enables quick import of accounts purchased from shops, transforming them into the desired format for the antidetect browser or autofill.

Currently, integration is only available with Dolphin{anty} and Dolphin{cloud}, but we plan to add integration with other popular antics in the future. 🙌🏻

👋🏻 Getting to know Dolphin Parser

What you see when you go to the parser page ⬇️

  1. Field for adding data with text

  2. Select File from folder button, you can also just drag and drop a file manually into this field

  3. Parsing button - this button fetches data by organizing it into columns and distributing it accordingly.

⚡️Parsing accounts

On the example 5 accounts have been added.
You can see that the collected data is distributed by columns 👀

  • Press Import if all data has been added correctly, or press Back if you noticed an error or if something was not added.

  • After that we see an open window where we can choose:

    • Where to import - Currently, you can only choose between Dolphin{anty} or Dolphin {Server}, which we recommend. However, we will soon add the option to select any browser from the list.

    • Email/login of your account - this field is required and the email must be registered in Dolphin{anty}

    • Profile name - You can create your own name, but then all the profiles will have the same name or use the available Macros to uniquely name them:
      {{COUNT.ID}} — ordinal number
      {{FB.LOGIN}} — Facebook account login
      {{EMAIL.LOGIN}} — email account login
      {{DATE}} — current date in the format 2023-01-01

    • Select the operating system on which the profile will be created. It's best to choose the OS that matches your PC.

    • Set the correct UserAgent - Account sellers often specify an outdated version of the Chrome browser in the User-Agent parameter, which may be 6 or more months old. We recommend updating this setting, as some extensions you add to your account may not work with older User-Agents, leading to potential issues. If you are using custom User-Agents, you can disable this feature.

  • After adding, the status will change to "Done," and you will be able to see the accounts with all the data already in Dolphin{anty}.

  • Adding to Dolphin{cloud} follows this algorithm:

    • We can also use macros

    • Copy the resulting text prepared in our Dolphin{cloud} format and paste it into Autoload using the mass import feature. You will only need to add the necessary proxies to the accounts.

    • That's it, accounts are added with all the details given, it's very simple and quick. 🎉

☝🏻Possible problems and solutions

When adding accounts from shops, various issues may arise, most of which are unrelated to our software.🤔

  1. Cookies are not added. Check if all brackets are in place, normal cookies start like this: [{‘domain’:‘’ and ends with ‘}] also check ’ they are often unnecessary too, for example like this: [{‘domain’:‘’ and ends with ‘}’].

  1. If no other data is added, or if only the first two columns and cookies are present, this may be due to the absence of separators in the vendor's data format or missing separators. Possible separators:

  2. If there are issues after the accounts have been added, such as not being authorized or missing components, please contact our technical support via our site or Telegram. We will work together to escalate the issue to the developers or identify the problem.

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