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Export of expenses
Exporting costs to Keitaro Dolphin {Cloud}
Exporting costs to Keitaro Dolphin {Cloud}
Updated over a week ago

What is the principle of export?

Dolphin has data on what ads / ads / campaigns are. As well as how much each ad / ads / campaign spent money for the entire time of its open in the context of the day.

Each ad / ad / campaign has its own unique ID. Thus, any Facebook Ads ad can be easily identified against the rest.

Assuming that Keitaro knows the ID of the ad that was clicked on, Dolphin can only tell Keitaro via his API the following:

The ad with ID = X for the date 2020-02-06 had an expense = Y in the currency Z

Now let's look at the variables X, Y, and Z from the example above.

Z (currency) - Dolphin knows the currency of the cabinet to which the specified ad belongs. Therefore, he will easily substitute the desired currency ISO-code. If this is not the Keitaro base currency (for example, in your tracker rubles, and your fb cabinet in euros), the tracker will convert the currency on its own.

Y (expense) - Dolphin also knows what expense the ad had for which day. Therefore, it will not be difficult for Dolphin to automatically formulate the daily expenses and transfer them to Keitaro.

X (Ad ID) - this is the most interesting! Read about this item below.

Traffic setup in Keitaro

If very simplistic

You must set up an advertising link in fb so that one of your sub_id Keitaro receives the ID of your ads.

If more

Subid in Keitaro

Keitaro has the concept of Subid. These are labels, parameters in the address bar, which carry additional information about your advertising clicks. For example, your landing page is located at the address http: // You pour from the fb from two adsets - in one you have a target for men, and in the other - for women. For further traffic analytics, I really want to know the statue separately by gender. Therefore, it makes sense to add the link http: // Sub_id_1 = male for the male adset andhttp: // Sub_id_1 = female for the female.

Thus, using the tail ? Sub_id_1 = female, additional information about the visitor’s field is transferred to your tracker. Fix this thought!

Facebook Ad ID

So, now it’s clear how to drop the ad ID into the tracker. In sponsored links you need to add ? Sub_id_1 = <ID>. The second question arises - where to get the ad ID?

With this, everything is very simple. Facebook has a special macro that will replace itself with the ID of a specific ad that is currently showing. The macro looks like this:


By the way, the fb has [a lot of macros] (

Now the puzzle is folding. Combining the information about Subid and the ad_id macro, we get the following piece of code that needs to be added to the fb advertising link:

? sub_id_1 = {{}}


It remains only to check whether you managed to set everything up correctly. I hope that you have charged a couple of cabinets with a new advertising link, and Keitaro has already poured a lot of traffic on the new link.

Now you need:

  1. Go to the section Reports → Clicks

  2. Click on the click time that passed with the new link

  3. A card with click information will open

  4. Scroll down to the Subid section

  5. Check if the ad ID has arrived in the sub_id_1 field

If you see the real ad ID, then the hardest part is behind. If everything is empty there, then I suggest using the life hack below:

Support Keitaro

You are an arbitrator, not a dishwasher programmer. Therefore, it is quite possible that you will get confused in all these integrations, and you won’t be able to throw the ad ID into sub_id_1 Keitaro.

In this case, I suggest you write the following message to Keitaro support:

Hello! I pour traffic from the fb, use your tracker. I need to throw the macro {{}} from fb into the sub_id_1 parameter of the tracker. Tell me, what should I change in integration to do this?

I think that in 90% of cases this will help. Still, if the matter does not move off the ground, read on.

Support Dolphin

Dolphin is first and foremost a tool for you to do what you need to do to get effective results from your work. All arbitrageurs have very different integrations. Someone uses domain parking, someone uses API integration on their servers. Still others are shopify.

Therefore, for my part, I cannot give universal integration solutions so that everything works for you right away. It follows that the work of setting up the integration of your promotional materials in Keitaro for the subsequent export of expenses goes beyond the regular support of Dolphin. Or rather, to say that this task is not directly related to Dolphin

If you still have difficulties integrating Keitaro, then write to our support @dolphin_support_bot. This is the surest way to solve your problem quickly.

Dolphin setup

Tracker link

Just copy the link from the address bar of your browser. Note that sometimes you have to enter the URL without admin/ . This sometimes interferes with the transfer of costs

API key

I remind you that Keitaro should be in the Business version. Cheaper tariffs do not support export costs.

To get the API key, you need:

  1. Click on your login in the upper right

  2. Select the Profile item.

  3. Go to the API keys tab

  4. Get the key =)

To which campaigns to export?

In most cases, you should leave this switch in the All campaigns position. Nevertheless, if your campaign tracker has 100+ (and even more so if 1000+), then the scripts can hang solidly on both sides.

Therefore, if there are many campaigns, it is worth highlighting a part of the campaigns into which it is necessary to unload expenses. You can highlight campaigns by:

  • Groups

  • Traffic sources

For example, you pour fb and push. The tracker has 75 push campaigns and only 25 fb. Naturally, it’s stupid to try to export fb expenses to 75 pk by push. In this case, 2 traffic sources are created - Push and Facebook. And Dolphin indicates that you need to export to the selected traffic sources. And below, only one of two sources is selected - Facebook.

Statistics Period

Most often, it’s advisable to put the period of statistics uploaded to Keitaro into the Today and Yesterday position. This is necessary in order to load the tails of expenses that reach the last day a little after midnight.

Frequency (interval)

How often do you need to export expenses? Any setting is normal - it depends on your needs.

Ignore ad account time zones

Ignore was designed so that only your server time zone would be taken into account when exporting expenses, not the time zone of the offices

No transfer of costs in full/partially

Reasons for not transferring expenses to Keitaro:

  • You provided an incorrect or incomplete link to the tracker

  • You entered the wrong sub id in your Keitaro

  • Your rate in Keitaro is not the Expert version. Cheaper rates do not support exporting costs.

  • In partial transfer, it may be that someone has not finished the next piece of code, which should have been added to the advertising link fb:


  • Not pouring traffic through Keitaro

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