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Password policy Dolphin{anty}
Password policy Dolphin{anty}
Updated over a week ago

Are you tired of hearing about data breaches and cyber-attacks? Then buckle up, because we're going to tell you about the new password policy in Dolphin{anty}.

So, let's go through this in order. Why did we update the password policy if everything was fine as it was? It's simple. The number of cyber-attacks in the world is growing rapidly, and such giants as Yandex, Delivery Club, and Facebook are increasingly faced with leaks of user data. To keep you and your information safe we've updated our password policy, which we'll tell you about below.

What's changed?

We have introduced new rules for creating passwords, such as:

  • The minimum password length is 8 characters;

    Different characters must be used when forming the password (lowercase and uppercase letters, special characters and numbers);

    The system will now determine the password complexity level:

- weak (if the password length is less than 8 characters and one of the requirements is not met);

- good (if the password is longer than 8 characters and one of the requirements is met);

- strong (if all requirements are met).

Password with a weak password will not be accepted.

Why is it important to have a strong password? Because it is the only thing that stands between your personal information and the outside world. It's time to say goodbye to "qwerty123" and welcome something more complex.

Increased password requirements make them harder for attackers to crack and prevent unauthorized access to your personal information, such as financial data and other important account-related information. The new rules will help you avoid using weak passwords and reduce the risk of having your account compromised due to easily attackable passwords.

How will the new policy improve security?

The new password policy can significantly improve your security. We use several methods at once for this purpose:

Strong passwords. The new password policy allows you to create only good and strong passwords (more secure passwords). We have described above how to create these passwords. By requiring users to create strong passwords we significantly reduce the risk of brute force attacks and other password guessing methods.

Two-factor authentication. We are also implementing the use of two-factor authentication, which adds an extra layer of security to your accounts. Two-factor authentication requires users to provide additional information, such as a code sent to a phone or email, in addition to a password. This is an added assurance that even if a hacker manages to get the password, they won't be able to access the account without the additional authentication factor. We'll talk more about two-factor authentication in the next article.

We also recommend changing your password regularly to completely minimize the risk of hacking.

How to create a strong password?

Creating a strong password is necessary to protect your online accounts and personal information from cybercriminals. We've prepared a few recommendations on how to create a strong password:

  1. Use a combination of symbols. A strong password should include a combination of upper and lower case letters, numbers, and special characters. Use a combination of these characters to create a password that is hard to guess.

  2. Avoid using personal information in your password, such as your name, date of birth, or address. This information can be easily obtained by cybercriminals and used to guess your password.

  3. Make your password long. The longer the password, the harder it is to guess. Try to keep your password at least 12 characters long.

  4. Use a passphrase. Instead of using one word, use a passphrase. Pass phrase is a combination of words that is easy to remember but difficult to guess.

  5. Do not use pass phrases repeatedly. Avoid using the same password for multiple accounts. If one password is compromised, all of your accounts using that password may be at risk.

  6. Use a password manager. It will help you create complex passwords and store them securely. This will save you from having to remember multiple passwords and reduce the likelihood of using weak or easily guessed passwords.

  7. Use password generation services. This can create a unique and complex password. Here are some cool services:

How can change password?

To change your password, you need to understand whether you know your current password or not. If you don’t know your current password, then you need to go to the website next, click “Login” and click on “Forgot password".

After this, follow the instructions on the website and after your shift you can enter.

If you know your current password, then you need to go to the Dolphin{Anty} application, go to the “Users” menu section and find yourself (the user).

Next, in the window that opens, change the password and click “Save.” Done, you will be redirected to the authorization window, where you will need to log in with the new password.

To summarize

As you have already understood, changing your password policy is a forced measure. By requiring more complex passwords from you, we increase the security of your data by protecting it from external attacks. We understand that this complicates the registration and login process, but the benefits of these changes far outweigh the drawbacks. We sincerely hope that our recommendations will help you make your passwords easier to generate and the new measures will make our antique even safer and more secure!

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